2530 13th St. NW,
Washington, DC 2009

Global Business Access, Ltd.:

Deputy ambassador in Chad and Mali, a total of five years. Consul General at Bremen, Germany. Was economic/commercial chief at U.S. embassy Ghana and commercial attaché in Algeria. After early retirement. served for nearly six years export promotion director for the State of Wisconsin and then for the Commonwealth of Virginia.

His career emphasis has been on helping U.S. companies to export. Conceived and presented export seminars throughout the U.S. for AT&T medium-sized business customers As state export promotion director, organized and assisted in governor-led trade missions to a score of countries on four continents. Foreign languages: French and German.

P-- none; S-- Chad, Germany, Mali, and Ghana. '
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Find associates :

Global Business Access, Ltd.
2530 13th St. NW,
Washington, DC 20009
Telephone:(+1) (202) 378-0868

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