2530 13th St. NW,
Washington, DC 2009

Global Business Access, Ltd.:

Vice President of Global Business Access Ltd. As well as of FWG Associates and the Vineeta Rastogi Foundation. Worked on the presidential, senatorial and gubernatorial election campaigns and on personal staff of two congressmen. UN election observer. Lobbyist and conference coordinator for American Foreign Service Association. Has traveled extensively in (and written about) more than 100 countries.

As private consultant, handles technology transfer, security and logistics for VIP visits overseas, security software, election monitoring, project proposals, managing contracting process, donor strategies, due diligence of potential foreign partners, evaluation of tourism investments in developing markets.
Foreign Languages -- Spanish, Italian, and French.

P-- India, Peru, Latin America region; S-- none. '
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Find associates :

Global Business Access, Ltd.
2530 13th St. NW,
Washington, DC 20009
Telephone:(+1) (202) 378-0868

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