2530 13th St. NW,
Washington, DC 2009

Global Business Access, Ltd.:

Served in the US Foreign Service from 1949 to 1987, including assignments in Germany, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. US Ambassador to Malta 1977-79. In mid-1979, returned to Iran for second tour as chargé d'affaires of US Embassy before being held hostage in the Iran hostage crisis November 1979-January 1981. Following release, Vice President of National Defense University 1981-87. Executive Director of National Commission on the Public Service (Volcker Commission) from 1987 until Commission completed its work in 1990.

Currently President of American Academy of Diplomacy. Board member of A Presidential Classroom for Young Americans; the Mercersburg Academy (PA); No Greater Love; and National Defense University Foundation. In 1998, held Sol Linowitz Chair in International Relations at Hamilton College in New York, teaching seminar on Iranian Revolution.

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Global Business Access, Ltd.
2530 13th St. NW,
Washington, DC 20009
Telephone:(+1) (202) 378-0868

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