2530 13th St. NW,
Washington, DC 2009

Global Business Access, Ltd.:

As Foreign Service Officer for three decades, posted at embassies in Athens, The Hague and Bonn, as well as Suriname, Nicaragua, Quito, Buenos Aires and Georgetown (Guyana). Washington assignments included Cuban Affairs, Berlin desk, Human Rights Affairs and Central American and Panamanian Affairs. In the late 1990s, Political Advisor to Commander of US Southern Command in Miami.

Florida Undersecretary of State for International Affairs for three years 2001-03, developing Florida’s international relationships with particular emphasis on free trade. Currently president of Simon International, LLC, a consulting company that provides US and foreign corporations with strategic intelligence and development planning, consults on international issues, brokers trade finance and assists with government relations. His clients include the largest independent global-risk consulting company and the official worldwide organization of Olympic athletes. Languages: Spanish, German, Dutch and some French.

P-- Suriname, Ecuador, Central America region, Argentina, and Germany; S-- Netherlands, Western Europe, Central Europe and European Union '
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Find associates :

Global Business Access, Ltd.
2530 13th St. NW,
Washington, DC 20009
Telephone:(+1) (202) 378-0868

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